Friday, March 12, 2010

Weekly Wrapup

This week, school was week, but the learning was not.

We got the 3 "r's" done, and from the Shiver Acadamy, we have been using their Book of Vitures Project as a guide for Character Studies as well as the bible studies from Christian Liberty Press.

The oldest was definately challenged this week, starting with math, doing equivelant fractions. Then for Language Arts, he had to Start a project Essay as well as a couple of other small writing projects, he is so afraid of getting it wrong, he gives up before he starts. He did okay once he got rolling.

Little Miss, still struggles getting her addition down, I wonder if it is her doubting herself and wanting to double check or if she is still having a problem with them. She worked on a couple of crafty projects.

My little man, pushes himself over and over,he continues to try to work on his mulitiplication tables with his older brother (The Timez Attack game is proving to be worth the money spent). He loves doing Italian, especially since it also is computer based and he has figured out that he can hear himself and get feedback.

We are going through a remodel of the house. We have been spending time painting and finishing the new bedroom for the boys. The are tickled as we have new beds for them in the garage awaiting the ground work, and I was able to find some old gym lockers for their room.

The Book of Virtues project, I bought the kids each a composition book for notes and pictures and where we can put the lapbooking components. All three really enjoy the work, it is putting the lessons into practice they are not so thrilled with. Right now we are working on Self-discipline (like I am the one to teach that).

Our Math and Language Arts Curriculum are both through computer based, and I wished I would have used these sooner. I love both subjects but am learning that I do not teach them well. This relieves a lot of the pressure from me on "am I doing it okay", because I can supplement as needed.

Now we start looking forward to next week....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Just let him go!!!

When the youngest was about 4 (barely) I would settle down the older two to start some work and the youngest would we his pants. He would stand there, look at me and wet.....Sometimes I am not the brightest lightbulb in the box, as this went on for about 3 weeks.

SO at his young age I picked him up a kindergarten curriculum, we started with the abc's and numbers, and the wetting stopped. He wanted "real" work like the older two.

Fast forward to today. He is now 6, I decided to buy his 2nd grade curriculum with our tax return so we would have it when he was ready...he looked through the first units of both Language Arts and Math and proudly proclaimed "this is easy stuff" we agreed that we would try it...

He is whipping through these no problem...this child scares me, will I be able to keep up with him?

We were at Ross' a while back and they had some "Talk now" disks for the computer...Italian and French. For just a couple of bucks I figured I would give them a shot. I put them in the little book we have for disks for school and forgot about them. My little man/child found them and proclaimed he wanted to do them. He has now learned colors in Italian and is going through the numbers...

My oldest was doing his Timez Attack (he cant seem to get passed the 4's) youngest starts telling him the the time his sister goes through this, he will have no need as he will have them all down. Today he wanted to know how they worked, so I showed him. A little while later, he came to me and showed me that he had figured out the 5's....

This child is amazing with what he is learning...he is knocking my socks off!!!! Thank God I homeschool this child, for he would be bored and frustrated in ps.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Last weeks wrap up

This past week we focused our attention in different areas. The oldest was "freaking" over his spelling and needs to get his multiplication tables down.

I purchased the timez attack the problem is getting him off of it! YEAH!. We worked on his spelling list, doing just a couple of regular language arts and he aced his test! A real confidence booster for him.

For the princess, we worked on her reading a bit. Seems she missed some of the lessons and was struggling so I sat and read with her, we also worked on addition and subtraction facts.

The little man...Aint no stopping this boy. He still was working his lifepacs..he just about finished unit one. (I thing these are suppose to take longer than 2 weeks arent they?)...But he is getting it...he has to be the best "student" because he asks until he is sure he understands, not skipping anything with him. The language arts is not as fast, he enjoys it, but at only 6, his reading is a little behind the work, so we have to do the reading portions a couple of times. keyboard on the computer we took the day off of schoolwork time. After dinner, I was thumbing through a book I had...the little one climbed into my lap to see what I was looking old book (actually one of a set) THE BOOK OF LIFE. I was thumbing through volume one...he started reading to me. He read and read until bedtime. How awesome.

On Saturday, I was "window shopping" on the computer, and found a refurbished laptop for under $200...talked to DH and he said to order I have a laptop on the way that I will be able to dedicate to schoolwork...YEAH...Coordinating computer time for the kids is getting to be a challenge, as I have 2 on SOS, one on Timez Attack, and all 3 love spelling city. The youngest loves and the princess loves addition games. This should ease up "waiting" time. Thank you Lord. My dream is in time each child have their own.

We had been using "THE NARROW WAY" curriculum, but I think we may need to set it aside as the kids arent seeing the correlations. I think we will work on The Book of Virtues first.

Oh how I love the flexibility of homeschool!