Monday, January 25, 2010

Pen Pals

Each of the 3 agreed to be faithful to have pen pals. It is awesome that all 3 got letters today. 2 of the writers aresibilings and are from Oklahome, the 3rd is from pennsylvania. It was so fun to see the kids soooo excited about their first pen pal letters.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What we've been doing

My oldest is a couple of weeks into his SOS math and still loving it.I have ordered the language arts for him as well. I think that since this is pretty self driven, he is enjoying the independence, and hope the Language arts program is still the same

Science we are doing the apologia Zoology 1, the kids love this, me to..I joined the yahoo group and have found some wonderful resources there.

I am starting to implement some grading. I did not think it important at this age since I look for mastery, but I am finding that the kids are more motivated to strive for the higher points. I saw this with the SOS math as that is set up with grades and he was devistated when he missed two problems (carelessness errors) and was thrilled when I reassigned them so he could get them right!

Spelling tests are done on a point for each word. Math 1 point per problem correct, (this goes for the little ones who are still in workbooks). On the Science site they posted a syllabus for grades for a coop and I am going to use that as a guide.

For daily work (this includes chores) I am grading on attitude...4 being the highest they can achieve. If it is done with an excellent attitude they get the full 4 points, a fair attitude 2 points...bad attitude is 0. I am doing this for each subject, especially those we do together (history and science.)

They seem more motivated as they can see their efforts being acknowleged.

Time to get moving. Thank you Lord for this day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Homeschool Tracker

For the past couple of weeks I have been using the Homeschool Tracker system to keep records. I am not required by my state to keep detailed records, but I find that it helps me keep the kids on track. The kids like the fact that I can print out their daily assignments and they can cross off each one as it is finished.

I did learn a valuable lesson on backing cleaning up my harddrive this week, I deleted all the previous weeks info, however that turned out to be a blessing as I had become more familiar with the system and am much more satisfied with the new way I set up the kids info.

This and setting up a system for what rescources I have is making our "schooltime" easier for me as I am not running circles, and obtaining duplicates.

As the oldest was watching me set this up he asked me about grades (which this system can track nicely) I have never really graded them, so what I have done is classes we do together (Devotions, Character Curriculum, History and Science) I grade on attitude based on a point system. Classes like math with be "graded"at 1 point per problem solved. They all seem to like that for now.

IF you need to track attendance, grades etc this is free (you can upgrade to a more advanced program, but this works for me for now) The forum on there to get started or help is wonderful too.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our New Math Curriculum.

As much as I really wanted my oldest to go through saxon math, he found the work repetative and boring, he despised doing it, to the point he would often battle about getting it done. Initially he was enthusiastic until he reached the point that he was doing the same type of problems over and over.

So, I ordered the Switched on Schoolhouse computer math course and it arrived today. I set it up on the computer and played around with it enough to become familiar with how it works then called him over to it. I pray that this will be a sign of things to come, he did 2 lessons after dinner, played with his home page and is sending me "emails". The first one was after his first lesson in which he wrote..."I love SOS math!)

We shall see as I hope it is not just because it is new. If it works well, I may get the appropriate ones for my other 2....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A whole year went by

Not sure quite when that happened, time just flies by so quickly and I forgot all about this.

Lets see:

I was having problems with staying focused on the kids lessons.I would find something new and try it then move on to something else. This has got to stop for my sake as well as theirs.


I have downloaded the planner at to try to keep me on track. With that, I am waiting for SOS math for the eldest. The workbook ends up being nothing but a fight as he cannot seem to concentrate long enough to complete one problem. 2 hours of math is just not needed. I pray this will work. A side benefit that I have found for the past few weeks, my oldest does not fight as much, because I can print out his "to do" list and he just gets to it...

We are using American Heritage for American History, and I am supplimenting with additional reading and projects. For world history we are working Mystery of History vol 1, I had been using that then veered away, but this is the easiest for me when working with all 3 kiddos, and they asked if we can go back to it.

For Science we have started Apologia's Zoology 1. My mom bought me that and Zoology 2 and Astronomy for Christmas. (Thank you mom!).

Spelling and Vocabulary is through Houghton Mifflin for the older 2, Since the youngest is learning to read, I am compling lists through kids love working on that site for review, and I have been having them do their tests there, so that I can print out the lists and scores.

Today we started "The Narrow Way" character curriculum. I like it I hope the kids do. As well as this we do morning devotionals and bible reading while they eat breakfast.

For the youngest we are still working the How to teach your child to read in 100 lessons, we are almost done with that.I supplement with Abeka readers that I already have and McGuffeys Primer. The older 2 also read from McGuffeys (levels 2 and 4 respectively), and independent reading that they narrate back to me (the older one does not know it yet, but he will be starting book reports.

We are also reading together. Today we finished Adam and his Kin...what a fun book. We are discussing what next(I want them to have some input, but I have a list to limit their selections.)

The kids had a wonderful Christmas, my mom (their great-Nana) came up along with my sister and one of her sons (17). As much as I enjoyed the holidays, it will be nice to settle back into a normal routine.