Friday, June 4, 2010

A few Pictures

Creative addition to the local highschool....I think I'd like to do this to my house...from the roof!

I could not get them to quit goofing off...the were filled with fun and wanted that carried into the picture.

It was overcast all weekend with showers, but it did not dampen our spirits. Lake Koocanusa actually is in both Canada and the is huge...and beautiful! and sparsely used.

On the first morning there, I gave the little ones a camera to share. The little one came back quite quickly upset because he missed a picture he wanted to take. I don't know why this tree appeals to him, but this is the shot he wanted.

Ultimate Field Trip

A week ago today we headed to Libby MT. My dear husband counted on me to make the arrangements for our long weekend, but he learned a very valuable lesson. I have no sense of distance. I thought it would take about 4.5 to 5 hours. He was not happy when he found out that we still had at least 2 hours to go...OOOPS.

We stayed at Lake Koocanusa resort and marina, on the shores of a lake created when Libby Dam was built. The lake is huge and gorgeous. We arrived around six and the kids were thrilled to find the cabin had a loft they would sleep in.

We went to the shores of the lake where my princess found deer tracks in the sand. The boys quickly started skipping rocks across the lake.

For dinner we ate at the resort, Buffalo Burgers MMMMMM!!!, the waitress there informed us they did not have any boats to rent, and that if we tried shore fishing about the only thing we would catch was suckers so we opted against fishing. Back to the cabin settled in and sleep.

The next day, my Knight in scorched armor took the kids for a walk near the lake to give me some time to clean up and pack lunch, and enjoy a quiet cup of coffee on a deck attached to the cabin. The little ones came back with their pockets filled with, leaves, flowers and whatever else they could find.

From there we went to the Libby Heritage Museum. Since it is a small town, I did not expect to much, but was pleasantly surprised. They have a variety of displays from the history of mining, native american culture, a taxidery display of birds and animals of the region. All three kids were thrilled to see a stuffed Barn Owl with a mouse hanging out of it's mouth.

We had lunch in the parking lot and headed to Kootanai falls and the swinging bridge. We had taken our old (15 year old) dog with us and I pretty much knew she would not be able to make it down the 68 stairs and back up, so I stayed with her while the family went. I gave an old camcorder to one of the kids, but he forgot to open the lense cover (oopsy) I hear him interviewing his older brother..."So what do you think of this field trip!". All three kids were skepitcal about crossing the swinging bridge but opted to do so.

On the way back to the cabin, the oldest wanted to go see Libby Dam from the other side, I am so glad he did, they had an awesome visitors center with history of the lake and the dam. They also showed how the dam made electricty as well as many other exhibits.

That night the oldest help "papa" grill bratwurst for dinner the oldest said grace, remember to thank God for the perfect day, and that this had to be the most perfect place HE made in all the earth. Time for baths and bed for them.Hubby and I talked it over and decided that we would head for Missoula the next day that would limit the time on the road in one day and we could stop by the National Bison Reserve.

After breakfast we packed up and headed out. We went to Ross Creek Cedars...well almost, because of rain and lack of signs we found out later we did not make it all the way. On the road again.

Our next stop was in Paradise...Montana that is. We found a wonderful little park where we ate our lunch. The kids were thrilled when a train came by and tooted the horn and waved at them. For a while they played and burned off some pent up energy...It's neat to say they had lunch in Paradise!

The National Bison Reserved is about a 2 hour drive around the "park", princess saw the first animal, spotting a female elk laying in the grass. We saw Pronghorn, antelope and of course Bison, the kids were picking out the different kids of birds and loved being the first to spot and identify a bird or animal. At the peak of the tour, is a "rest area" where we stopped near a field of blackeyed susans. Hubby took pictures and princess examined many. There is a sign talking of Lake Missoula and the evolution based discussion of a glacial lake. I was thrilled to see home lessons take place when my oldest asked "haven't they heard of Noah's flood"...

On the way out of the park, we stopped to "use the facilities"...the youngest was off to the side and yells SNAKE!!!!.. the older two tried to reprimand him for yelling but I let them know this was a time to yell. We went over to find the snake had escaped into a culvert. When the little guy described the snake it was probably a black racer.

Off we go again...We head toward Missoula, and get a room for the night. My Knight took the kids to dinner and brought dinner back to me, as I stayed with the dog unsure of how she would react to being alone. Three exhausted kids and two equally tired adults did not take long to fall asleep.

The next day... Memorial day. We went to take the kids to the carousel, but it was not open (for which I am grateful). We went to walk by the river and stumbled upon a Memorial Day service. It was incredible as the kids remembered to stand at attention with their hands on their hearts and the colors posted. The bagpipes playing, and a bugle playing revelee. I looked around with great sadness as mine were the only kids there. The service was to honor those who had given their lives in the navy, a wreath placed in honor of them. My beloved was in the navy and served on the USS CARL VINSON prior to our marriage, my grandad served in the Royal Navy on submarines until he went deaf from damage caused by the dives. I was very proud of my navy men. I held it together until "TAPS" was played...The little ones were concerned as tears streamed down my face. Thank you Lord for the men who protect us, and thank you LORD for providing this for us!

On to the park, Dragon Hollow is an incredible playground for the kids, they played there until the carousel opened, then onto the carousel. I stayed outside with the dog so my knight could get pictures for me. Which he did.

Lunch in a park, potty stop then on the Garnet. Garnet is an old ghost town that was very active in the gold mining days. The kids were thrilled to find that they had a scavenger hunt for them. We went through each building meticuously filling out their little forms. They were told they would recieve a prize if they brought the pencils back. I took them to turn in their pencils and they were told they could choose a rock or coloring book. The eldest picked an arrowhead, the princess picked a rough amethyst stone and the youngest a coloring book with the history of garnet. The best part is they had to answer some questions about the search, and they answered each detail. Many adults were listening to their answers intently and applauded them.

The best part...a geologist was there and gave the kids a lesson on the stones they could choose from. When the youngest realized what gold was, he started looking down...and found a piece of quartz with gold in it...then another, then another. He started making plans on how he was going to get the gold out, I asked what he would buy, he said he wanted to give the money to papa so papa did not have to go to work any more, but he could stay home with us every day. I am not sure when I am going to tell him, but I am pretty sure it is fools gold!

We headed home from there...a stop in Lincoln (our usual stop when travelling between home and Missoula) and rolled in...unpacked then bed. The kids want to do another field trip...when do I break the news to them that this was just for fun?

Hubby and I want to do the trip to lake koocanusa again...but for longer...and to book a boat rental so we can catch some fish!

The princess checking out the flowers at National Bison Range

Libby Heritage Museum....well worth the stop! IF your ever in the area, put this on your agenda!

Playing on the shores of Lake Koocanusa....

On Tuesday the kids were exhausted, Wednesday and Thursday we did light work, Friday off because our dog had to make an emergency vet trip...