Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another week done

It must be because it is January and we have been stuck (literally) at home so much, the kids enthusiasm for school is low...mine to.

We are going thru the solar system for science and they do get excited about that, but the rest they would just as soon do without.

Next week:

Monday we will try to get to open swim...the roads should be clear.
Friday Skating...This is what Wookie wants to do for his birthday.

Math: Lessons in Math, Language Arts, etc as normal...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Martin Luther King

On top of our regular classes today, we did the unit study offered by on Martin Luther King Jr. The kids sat with interest as I read of his life, and the study raised more questions that answers.

They first off did not know what a black person was. Not that they have not seen nor met, Belle has a friend who is black, in the innocence of childhood, Lacy did not notice.

This study raised more questions than answers, so we got into discussions on slavery, equal rights, Christianity vs slavery,(using the story of the Good Samaritin) and how even today there are those who judge another based on skin color alone, and how this is not just a "white" issue, that there are those in all races who do the same thing.

Wookie was angry and upset about what Rosa Parks had to go through, I try so hard to teach them to respect elders that he could not grasp that a younger white person would make her stand.

Now Wookie and Belle are both intregued with Lincoln (how could he not come up...) I told them we will be doing studies on Washing and Lincoln next month as we near presidents day.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Goals for the rest of the week


Math, spelling, handwriting and language ares

Science lesson
Geography lesson

Sign language practice daily
and a unit from on Martin Luther King.

The Wookie and I are still reading the Chronicles of Narnia, while Anakin and I are still working on his ability to read. Belle and I have been going thru some books as her interest vary so much.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My wookie is going to be 9 at the end of the Month. I have all 3 enrolled in 4-h but feel so lost...cubscouts seemed a lot easier and I don't know why. I think it is because with scouts you have 1 year to finish stuff. With 4h they are 2-3 year projects.

Wookie is going to be doing small engines. I picked up a kit to build a "battery" operated engine to let him learn the parts. We were doing the kit today and got it just about together and I realized we put a part on the beginning. Tonite after he is in bed, I will tear it down and get it to the point it was as not to exasperate him. He already broke the timing belt which I cannot get a replacement for through the company so we shall improvise. We have gone over the crank shaft, pistons, head gasket and other parts of an internal combustion engine.

My hope is to find someone with a non-functioning gas lawn mower that we can disassemble and reassemble this summer.

Tomorrow, Belle (6) and I will work on sewing. I am going to set up some paper and hand have her practice on the machine. I have tried hand sewing with her but she does not seem to have the fine motor skill nor patience yet. IF she can master this, I picked up a couple of panels for her to put together. I think these will help her control not so straight stitching and I believe the panels to be extremely forgiving.

As for Anakin (5). He so wants to do the bigger kid things, he and I will be working on his cooking for 4h.