Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23 - weekly wrapup

Our "schoolwork" started on Saturday...I had purchased some grape vines to try to grow around my front deck. The kids were thrilled to help. I had 8 vines so enough for everyone.

We dug up an area around the deck, where the boys soon found treasures in God's earth...worms. Kids are so amazing, each worm (and there were many) was treated like a treasure, we looked at the different sizes, we looked at how some were active and others weren't, each one new to them. We found pill bugs, and spiders (eeewww) and a few other creatures I would rather stay outside.

As we planted the vines, I showed each child the roots. I reminded them that our learning about God and his word are like the roots of the plant, offering stability, food, nourishment we need to grow our lives in HIM. Without nourishment, the plants would die, just like us, and we need to be sure to feed our souls.

We moved some Iris's tubers around as I had to many in one area, we examined the root system on these to compare against the vines and how different they were.

Monday, we bought some "new" laptops for the kids. This way I am not trying to coordinate 3 kids to do their computer time. I have strictly set their internet capablities, but already this is proving to be such a blessing to our day.

Little man had art on Monday afternoon, so after we dropped him off the older two and I headed to the Library, with the oldest groaning the whole way that he did not want to go. Of course, the princess was eager as she is loving being able to read.

The oldest has to write a report on one of the apollo missions, he chose Apollo 11. He still needed some info, so we found a couple of books and a DVD called "When we left earth". His excitement increased as he found a book on racoons, the legos...he checked out 3 lego books. Little Miss checked out another owl book and 5 others, her favorite being a book about "Tinkerbell".

Tuesday, the oldest started watching the DVD set.I told him he only had to watch the Apollo mission, but he ended up watching about Mercury missions and Gemini Missions as well. His report is only suppose to be one paragraph, think I will give him "extra credit" for the additional research.

Tuesday the kids were all anxious to get on their own computers. Schoolwork was a breeze!!!

Wednesday, again to the new computers (I hope the newness doesn't ever wear off!) Right into their lessons, I had to remind them breakfast comes first! Even tho' the youngest is not able to do the SOS yet (it starts in 3rd grade) I did load the teacher side of it and manually put in what his lessons are and showed him how to report to me with it. He loves being included.

The two older kids had their art class so the little one and I headed first to a thrift shop where I found two laptop cases (at .90 each, we can afford that!) Then we headed to the Library. The little one was looking for some books about "Biscuit" He loves being able to read them, but we looked and looked and were unable to find them. Just before we left, I found where they were and he came home with 6 of them! He was so thrilled, and read one of them on the way home.

Little Miss cooked dinner solo for the first time once we got home...grilled cheese and tomatoe soup.

Thursday, we took the day to practice Home ec...catching up on laundry and doing odd jobs that kept getting overlooked.

Each day we check on Molly and McGee, tracking what they are eating, and the size. The kids were concerned when Molly started leaving the nest for the day, I reminded them this is what owls do. With this, we also were watching Owliver and and Owlivia, yesterday one Owlivia's babies died, we learned this morning another one died. There is a lot of speculation as to the "why's" but I remind the little ones that this is part of life on earth.

A sad ending to the week. Today Schoolwork as normal...we tend to keep it light on Fridays.

Overall, a very wonderful week!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Week in Review

The 3r's were accomplished this week under the groans of less enthusiastic "students", our goals however have been accomplished.

The oldest is researching his first paper, on one of the space missions, no suprise he chose Apollo 11. He is actually enjoying it, his growth in getting work done and not complaining (as much) has been wonderful over the past few months. Nice to see.

Sunday we went to a children's museum after church, the kids had a ball playing house, dressing up, running from one exhibit to the other. They were also having a book sale so of course I could not pass it up. All 3 picked out a book. Princess's book was actually 4 books in one and I figured she would take a week or so to read it...she read it all once we got home.

We have been checking in on Molly and McGee all week. I don't know who is enjoying it more, me or the kids. Watching the owlets grow is amazing and a full reminder of God's wonderful creatures. Princess is not so anxious to watch feeding time, but the boys think it is cool. We have done some reading on Barn Owls and Birds of Prey, and we did a virtual disection of an owl pellet that the kids had a ball with. We will probably be wrapping up the research part of this next week, but will still follow the babies until they fledge and are on their way.

The art classes, the little guy loves his, he loves his teacher, the older two are not as excited to go, their teacher makes them sit at the table quietly until I come to get them....not something we do at home since we use most of the house for schoolwork and don't sit much. I did not realize this until this art class, but we move from one room to the other, on the floor, cuddled on the couch, stretched out on the table, guess we are all ADD! I explained to the kids they must follow the rules of the classroom, and explained that this is to control the kids in the classroom. Princess asked me if that is what PS is like...she doesn't want to go to PS now or ever....

All in all...a very good week!

Friday, April 9, 2010


We have been working through Apologia's Fifth day of Creation and was thrilled to find this site on

The kids check on Molly and the crew daily and have actually listened to some of the Q&A sessions offered by Carlos, the man who has the box in his back yard.

On You tube, (look under Sircarlosr) there are snippets of various things that have happened including the hatching of the owlett named Wesley.

All 3 have been watching the growth of the owls, the little princess was the first to notice that Max (the oldest) has started growing the heart shaped face of an owl already.

The male (McGee) has been a great provider, and we listen for signs that he is on the way, (only the oldest and I) as McGee usually shows up after the little two have gone to bed. Be we do get a "head count" of what McGee has brought home the night before.

We are looking forward to see the growth and development of the babies.