Friday, April 16, 2010

Week in Review

The 3r's were accomplished this week under the groans of less enthusiastic "students", our goals however have been accomplished.

The oldest is researching his first paper, on one of the space missions, no suprise he chose Apollo 11. He is actually enjoying it, his growth in getting work done and not complaining (as much) has been wonderful over the past few months. Nice to see.

Sunday we went to a children's museum after church, the kids had a ball playing house, dressing up, running from one exhibit to the other. They were also having a book sale so of course I could not pass it up. All 3 picked out a book. Princess's book was actually 4 books in one and I figured she would take a week or so to read it...she read it all once we got home.

We have been checking in on Molly and McGee all week. I don't know who is enjoying it more, me or the kids. Watching the owlets grow is amazing and a full reminder of God's wonderful creatures. Princess is not so anxious to watch feeding time, but the boys think it is cool. We have done some reading on Barn Owls and Birds of Prey, and we did a virtual disection of an owl pellet that the kids had a ball with. We will probably be wrapping up the research part of this next week, but will still follow the babies until they fledge and are on their way.

The art classes, the little guy loves his, he loves his teacher, the older two are not as excited to go, their teacher makes them sit at the table quietly until I come to get them....not something we do at home since we use most of the house for schoolwork and don't sit much. I did not realize this until this art class, but we move from one room to the other, on the floor, cuddled on the couch, stretched out on the table, guess we are all ADD! I explained to the kids they must follow the rules of the classroom, and explained that this is to control the kids in the classroom. Princess asked me if that is what PS is like...she doesn't want to go to PS now or ever....

All in all...a very good week!


  1. That's too funny about ps and the table. My daughter had loads of difficulty her first year of dance when she had to sit quietly and wait for everyone to catch up. We do school everywhere too! Sounds like a great week!

  2. Great week! My kids loved watching the owls! What an awesome Grandmother you are!

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed the week! The owls are fascinating aren't they?!
